Ridden: Paul Klampers
Click or not: Ridden: Paul KlampersEpiphanies don’t come often to us, the mere mortal. Most go through life waiting for someone else to guide them, be it a deity, or a mentor, a friend,… …
The Best Song Ever Written: Setting Sun
Click or not: The Best Song Ever Written: Setting SunMusic, on the whole, is a tool. It’s been used for centuries to invoke trance-like states, to imbue minds with subliminal messaging, to control those same minds. It’s been… …
Bikes Of The Apocalypse: Marin Palisades Trail
Click or not: Bikes Of The Apocalypse: Marin Palisades TrailThe end is nigh. It’s always been nigh, or nighabouts. But more nigh since 2020, when the world was duped to do as you’re told, or else… Some of… …
Drool Factor + : Manitou Looks Backwards To See Forwards
Click or not: Drool Factor + : Manitou Looks Backwards To See ForwardsThe early to mid 90s (heck, the whole of the 90s) were a time of innovation and experimentation for the mountain bike industry. It was the golden age, the… …
The Best Song Ever Written: In The Meantime
Click or not: The Best Song Ever Written: In The Meantime*The Best Song Ever Written is a series of songs that aren’t necessarily THE best (as that’s subjective anyway), but a collection of great songs that have significance to… …
Just Stop With The Car Hate Already
Click or not: Just Stop With The Car Hate AlreadyCyclists, on the whole, are extremely self-righteous. Now, the term ‘cyclist’ can cover anyone from a commuter to a pro racer, and not everyone who falls within that spectrum… …
Insider Rides: Ryan’s Ratty Daily Driver
Click or not: Insider Rides: Ryan’s Ratty Daily DriverI came across this Tarini Firenza around 1993 in Taumarunui secondhand for $500 in the LBS, where at the time I didn’t have a job so not much dollars… …
Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro Wrestling
Click or not: Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro WrestlingQuiz the man in the street about Professional Wrestling and you’ll get a fairly generic answer. But first, just who the hell is the man in the street? And… …