Category: STYLE
Bikes Of The Apocalypse: Marin Palisades Trail
Click or not: Bikes Of The Apocalypse: Marin Palisades TrailThe end is nigh. It’s always been nigh, or nighabouts. But more nigh since 2020, when the world was duped to do as you’re told, or else… Some of us survived that attempt, others were not so lucky, and still aren’t. During that time we were threatened to be hunted down, put in camps, and… …
The Greatest Skateboarding Photos Ever Taken
Click or not: The Greatest Skateboarding Photos Ever TakenJay Adams, Teardrop, 1976. Glen E. Friedman’s first-ever published photograph, original full-frame color. They sum up a whole culture, a period of time, puts you (back) in a place you may never have been, but lived through it vicariously, when boys became men and shaped the future of a sport, themselves, and the paths they… …
A Taste Of Freedom
Click or not: A Taste Of FreedomI used to hate Ronny Romance and everything he stood for. What a miserable prick I was. He actually stands for everything that I’ve standed (stooded?) for, for ever, really. That’s kinda romantic. Or bromantic. Anyway this is a beautifully shot and narrated representation of why I/we/you ride, or if it isn’t, should be. …
Click or not: LifersGreystoke Magazine is stoking the grey BMXer in us all. I can smell the plywood ramps and homemade number plates and stickers from here… ahhhh. …
When Boys Were Men And Berms Had Rocks In Them
Click or not: When Boys Were Men And Berms Had Rocks In Them None of that smooth concrete business here, just dust and rocks son, ROCKS! Just a good Aussie family day out in the 80s. Eatin’ sausage rolls, dirt and your own teeth. …
Rat Rides: Ryan’s RootBeer Cannondale
Click or not: Rat Rides: Ryan’s RootBeer CannondaleOur resident Rat Rider Ryan has been churning out a constant flow of unique, radical bikes with his mate in their workshop lately. From chopped choppers to cruisy shoppers, the results are always like nothing you’ve seen before; every bike a one-off, something we are completely au fait with here in Chainslap Garage. As we’ve… …