2321 Bidons

And you think there’s a problem with bottled water wastage? The Tour has it big time.

In today’s cycling, about 25000 water bottles are used by a professional team each season.

During one of the three Grand Tour races, between 2000 and 2500 are used.

On a race day, 200/250 water bottles are used, depending on weather conditions and stage profile. At the beginning of each stage, 9 cyclists participate per team, carrying two water bottles each. The first and second car carry about 60. Further on, two more water bottles are given in provisioning to each cyclist, and each car is reloaded with 60 new water bottle. Depending on the race situation, the second car is reloaded, too.

This is a piece dedicated to all water bottles that are left in the ditch.

Direction & animation: MakMac
Sound Design: Ralp ralp.org/

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