Despite not having ridden a motorcycle for more than 20 years, it’s something that stays in your blood forever. I can still relate to the impact that this absolute classic piece of cinema has had on me, and many a young moto or BMX head. You see, I am old enough to have actually seen the movie, in a cinema, when it was released in 1971.
Maybe it was 72 by the time it got to Australia, I don’t know, but I do know it made me want to ride even more than a 7 (or possibly 8) year old already did. It made me want to ride faster, jump higher, it forged my love of tinkering around with bikes, customising and bastardising them, and instilled in me the joy that anything related to two-wheeled machines provides.
Mert Lawill, Malcolm Smith, Kenny Roberts, Steve McQueen, these were men who lived. Ah, the 70s…
You really need to check out the full original film, then The Next Chapter (which pales by comparison, but still has its moments).
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