Category: READ
Read: Gironimo!
Click or not: Read: Gironimo!Books. Who remembers those? The sub-30s now are scratching their heads; huh, books?! They are something in old movies, aren’t they? Huh, movies?! It’s easy to just dismiss books as old technology, and hit play on a five-minute (if you have an exceptionally long attention-span) video. Why read when everything you need is in your pocket? Because that… …
How to Get Away With Doping
Click or not: How to Get Away With DopingLike a supernova of the peloton, David Millar went from hero to zero and back again, riding the doping rollercoaster to the top of the sport before derailling and crashing off the highest part of the track with his positive tests in the early 2000s. Coming clean, confession and contrition saw him not only regain… …
Hail to the Bus Driver
Click or not: Hail to the Bus DriverThe portaloo door slammed behind Dave. He slowly headed back to the hire van, shaking the excess water from his hands before he reached the steering wheel for another time. He could see the silhouetted heads inside watching the other three vans and stacked trailers already clattering up the access track. They then turned their… …