• The Best Song Ever Written: In The Meantime

    The Best Song Ever Written: In The Meantime

    *The Best Song Ever Written is a series of songs that aren’t necessarily THE best (as that’s subjective anyway), but a collection of great songs that have significance to me, have made an impact on my life, remind me of moments of life, or just plain rock. First up in our new series is a…

    Click or not: The Best Song Ever Written: In The Meantime
  • Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro Wrestling

    Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro Wrestling

    Quiz the man in the street about Professional Wrestling and you’ll get a fairly generic answer. But first, just who the hell is the man in the street? And for the sake of holding-the-baying-social-justice-mob-at-bay, and/or woman in the street. The average Joe/Joeleen is timid, afraid, closeted by the highly likely chance they might offend someone…

    Click or not: Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro Wrestling
  • Read: Just Ride

    Read: Just Ride

      Just Ride. It sounds so simple, and so it should be. But for years I tried to make riding as complex as possible, for myself and many others. Not consciously, but yeah, consciously. Riding had to be done right, with the right bike for the ride and the right gear for the bike and…

    Click or not: Read: Just Ride
  • The Greatest Skateboarding Photos Ever Taken

    The Greatest Skateboarding Photos Ever Taken

    Jay Adams, Teardrop, 1976. Glen E. Friedman’s first-ever published photograph, original full-frame color. They sum up a whole culture, a period of time, puts you (back) in a place you may never have been, but lived through it vicariously, when boys became men and shaped the future of a sport, themselves, and the paths they…

    Click or not: The Greatest Skateboarding Photos Ever Taken
  • Read: Gironimo!

    Read: Gironimo!

    Books. Who remembers those? The sub-30s now are scratching their heads; huh, books?! They are something in old movies, aren’t they? Huh, movies?!  It’s easy to just dismiss books as old technology, and hit play on a five-minute (if you have an exceptionally long attention-span) video. Why read when everything you need is in your pocket? Because that…

    Click or not: Read: Gironimo!
  • A Taste Of Freedom

    A Taste Of Freedom

    I used to hate Ronny Romance and everything he stood for. What a miserable prick I was. He actually stands for everything that I’ve standed (stooded?) for, for ever, really. That’s kinda romantic. Or bromantic. Anyway this is a beautifully shot and narrated representation of why I/we/you ride, or if it isn’t, should be.

    Click or not: A Taste Of Freedom
  • Bands Of The Apocalypse: Lightning Bolt

    Bands Of The Apocalypse: Lightning Bolt

    Experiencing Lightning Bolt (because you don’t just listen to them) could be a metaphor for the maelstrom we have been sucked into. Most don’t really get it and cower in the corner, while the willing embrace the darkness and see right through it. It’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be worth it.

    Click or not: Bands Of The Apocalypse: Lightning Bolt
  • Songs For The Apocalypse: If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next

    Songs For The Apocalypse: If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next

    For over twenty years it’s been a brilliant song, it was just never realised the Manic Street Preachers were predictive programmers as well as great musicians. The future teaches you to be alone The present to be afraid and cold So if I can shoot rabbits Then I can shoot fascists Bullets for your brain…

    Click or not: Songs For The Apocalypse: If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next