Category: WORN
Coastal Cruisin In Cut-Offs
Click or not: Coastal Cruisin In Cut-Offs Technically they’re not cut-offs at all, but they’re cool. I’ve been looking for a riding short that resembles my beloved but now-defunct Giro New Road shorts, but nothing (except maaaybe some Rapha ones, hideously expensive and, Rapha) fit the bill, or in this case my arse. MTB shorts are way too baggy for anything… …
Worn: Leatt Airflex Hybrid Knee Pads
Click or not: Worn: Leatt Airflex Hybrid Knee PadsThere was a time in the not-so-far-distant past when knee pads would get you laughed off the trails. Especially if combined with Lycra, which will rightfully still get the same reaction. But now knee pads are almost as de rigeur as helmets and gloves, which seems to make sense as the mountain biker’s knees cop a… …
Worn: fi’zi:k Tempo Powerstrap R5
Click or not: Worn: fi’zi:k Tempo Powerstrap R5Everything old is new again. What goes around, comes around. Retro is metro. All well-known proverbial catchphrases, except that last one which I just made up, I think. I hope. Because it suits the vibe of the new fi’zi:k Tempo Powerstrap R5 road cycling shoes perfectly. The Italian company’s latest offering takes some features from… …
Worn: fi’zi:k M3B Uomo Shoes
Click or not: Worn: fi’zi:k M3B Uomo ShoesIt used to be that shoes came in either mountain or road varieties, with not much in the way of choice in either category. Mountain meant XC, basically lightweight, stiff-soled shoes with Velcro straps and maybe a buckle, and either so well-vented that the mesh would fall apart and your toes would be poking out… …
Worn: Dissent 133 Glove System
Click or not: Worn: Dissent 133 Glove SystemMost people would probably own one or two sets of riding gloves; one for summer, one for winter. Mountain bikers probably only have their preferred long finger versions for year round off-roading. Roadies, maybe some fingerless or bare hands in summer, and something ‘thermal’ for the colder months. UK company Dissent 133 has come up… …
Worn: Giro Jacket Shoe
Click or not: Worn: Giro Jacket ShoeIf you wanted a solid flat pedal shoe, the go-to brand has always been, in my opinion, Five Ten. The solid construction of the leather upper combined with their legendary Stealth rubber sole gave one no doubt that shoe and pedal would be stuck together tighter than Trump and a spray tan. But that was… …
Ways To Carry Stuff: Race Face Rip Strip
Click or not: Ways To Carry Stuff: Race Face Rip StripIn the ongoing quest to lighten our load, get as much stuff off our back as possible and not look like a pack-horse or middle-aged tourist, we are increasingly blessed with a host of new options for carrying stuff. The bumbag has been a favourite around here for a few years now, and its ability to… …
Ways To Carry Stuff: Stealth Beer Holster
Click or not: Ways To Carry Stuff: Stealth Beer HolsterMost mountain bikers know this truth: one of the best places to enjoy a beer is at the top of a hill with a trail to follow. Beer is, however, awkward to carry, heavy, temperamental when shaken, and precious. All good reasons to spend the time and money to get the best way of ferrying it… …