Category: WORN
Music To The Ears
Click or not: Music To The EarsThis uniquely beautiful piece of Danish design comes from Sogreni Bicycles in Copenhagen. Sogreni was founded in 1981 and specialises in custom bicycles and accessories. The flat brass disc not only pleases the eye in the most ornate way, but plays a crisp, clear note when struck, and tinkles gently over rough roads and kerbs otherwise. More than… …
Worn: POC Tectal Race
Click or not: Worn: POC Tectal RaceI used to own a Volvo. A boxy, solid looking 850T5 wagon, like the ones they used to race. It was luxurious to drive, when it was going, and like all Volvos it just felt safe. Like you could run it into a truck and the truck would come off second best. The point I’m… …
Worn: Giro Synthe
Click or not: Worn: Giro SyntheAero has taken over the Pro road peloton, with varying results. While actual Pros don’t really care what they look like in the quest to get the ultimate performance edge, or are compelled to wear/ride whatever their team sponsors’ decree, we mere mortals sometimes blindly follow what’s ‘Pro’ without a thought as to how ridiculous… …