Fresh from his full-on week at Loosefest, Conor Macfarlane sat down for an exclusive interview with Secret Dog Society.
SDS: Firstly well done at Loosefest! You looked like you had a blast, had lots of fun not to mention threw down! You must be happy with everything?
CM: Cheers man, it was one hell of a week! For sure, had an amazing time and came away unhurt which a lot of people didn’t so can’t complain.
Loosefest came on the scene a few years back and was for the riders by the riders, with the riders being a close knit group of friends. What were your thoughts when you first saw it?
I thought it was insane, 80-foot jumps and a 93-foot step-down, who wouldn’t think it was! From my experience the for the riders by the riders events are always the best and when the jumps are that burly you want to be in that chilled out environment with no pressure.
So how did the invite come about?
Nico had actually tried to get hold of me last year but for some reason, my email didn’t work. Then at Rampage last year, I was digging my line next to his and we got talking and it came up. Fast forward half a year and he got in contact and invited me which I wasn’t going to say no to.
Aggies reunion and Sorge Hoff fest are my favourites to watch because they look like they have taken BMX dirt jumps to the DH bike. Are you excited for any other ones in particular?
I have always liked the look of Cruise Fest, maybe because it’s in the trees and looks like trails for the DH bike. Cruise Fest is no more, unfortunately, though.
Will we see you at other Fest events?
Well hopefully I get invited back to Loosefest again next year and as far as other Fest events I am on my way to Hillbilly Huck Fest in Norway as we speak!
The first few years Andreu Lacondeguy was a level above everyone else trick wise, with massive backflips and 360s but everyone has started to catch him! Every stop there seem to be some new riders like your self, ready to meet the level. Can we credit Fest series to this evolution of riding?
I guess it has definitely opened up people’s eyes to what is possible and given people who suit that sort of riding a place to do what they do. Without the hosts of the event, Nico for example, the evolution of that sort of riding wouldn’t have happened as the funds probably wouldn’t have been there to construct a course such as loosest so yes “Fest” can be credited in helping to progress that style of riding.
Coming from a dirt jump background myself I can comprehend the idea of hitting some of the jumps at other “Fest” stops. But Loosefest is on another level of size almost incomprehensible for me. Is it as big as you imagined?
Yeah they are pretty damn big but it had all been hit before so you know it works so there isn’t really that much to worry about… haha.
Sorry, it’s a little cliché but what goes through your head before backflipping that mindset jump? It’s unbelievable my mind has been blown!
Me landing the flip… I guess I just go through what I need I do and of course I think about what could happen if it goes wrong but try not to dwell on that for too long.
How big was it?
24metres which is just under 80 feet.

What’s next on your list of crazy tricks?
Don’t know, just do all my tricks on the biggest jumps I can and I would be happy.
So when will we see a New Zealand “Fest” stop? You keen to make it happen? Have you got a local crew to get involved with?
I have tried to get one but it’s not quite that easy, it’s a very tight not group and some of them aren’t that keen on other people hosting them. Would love to have one, though!
Anything you’d like to add or people to thank?
Huge thanks to Nico! He is an insanely talented man in a bike and behind a digger! Also, Jon Davies and his family who looked after us all week and let us run amuck in their bike park. Also, all the guys that made it the week if was!
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