Based on a personal experience cycling from Tokyo to Kyoto. At the end of the trip in Kyoto I stumbled upon a tiny house with a sign that read “the world’s smallest Ukiyoe museum.” An old Ukiyoe woodcut print master ran the museum out of his home. Before I left he gave me a postcard with a dragonfly print and a poem he wrote.
In one part of the excerpt he writes:
「人生で立ち止まり熟考する時があっても、蜻蛉のように複眼で周囲を見回し、引き下がることなく、前に前に力強く進んでいただきたい。」市村 守Loosely translates into:
Sometimes you stop in your tracks to think about life, but like a dragonfly I hope you’ll maintain a good perspective on things with eyes like compound eyes, do not give up, and keep moving forward with all your might. -Mamoru Ichimura
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