Exclusive: Introducing the sMIPs CAP

sMIPs, the innovators of the cranial protection system that is appearing in more and more helmets, has today introduced their latest system dubbed the sMIPs CAP (Casquette Air Piece). Designed to work with traditional cycling caps (or casquettes in French) or on its own, it allows those who don’t wear hardshell helmets to still reap the benefits of the original sMIPs system. Now, you can rock a cycling cap and still get maximum protection while staying full Euro styley.

The sMIPs CAP can be worn directly on the head as above, with full flow ventilation for the hottest days, and under a wool cap for the winter months.

Simply pop the sMIPs CAP into your favourite old-school casquette…

… and you’re ready to roll. One size fits all caps.

You wouldn’t even know it’s there, until you need it. Full protection, full style. This should revolutionize cycling-specific head protection, especially in countries where laws require helmets to be worn at all times, though safety standards tests and codes are still to be established for the sMIPs CAP. Release date is yet to be confirmed, but our review model has been well received and while we’re yet to properly crash test it, the level of security over wearing just a cap is certainly increased. Watch this space.

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