The awesomeness of Fugazi’s live shows wasn’t just the blistering music, sweat and visual energy emanating from the stage, but there was always guaranteed drama between the band and audience. sometimes it seemed like sections of the crowd were trying to deliberately rile up Ian and Guy, something that usually didn’t end well for the punter. I’ve seen Ian wrestle stagedivers while the band kept playing, ejecting them from the venue after being continually asked/warned not to invade the band’s workspace.
There’s a treasure trove of live video and audio online portraying it, and last year New York-based new music collective Object Collection came up with the brilliant idea of turning the talk into a live opera. The result, It’s All True, is as randomly cacophonic as you’d expect.
Read more about the opera here and listen to recordings of some classic banter here.
And if you don’t like it, I’ll give you your money back and escort you to the door, you ice-cream-eating motherfucker.
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