Confidently carve clear of convention. Dare to defiantly dodge the delirious delectations of the masses. Fortunate to find freedom far from flim-flam. I flee fast for a fleeting feeling of the fringe.
The middle of the road is a dangerous one. Dangerous due to dullness, boredom and lacklustre. On it travel commonality and safety in numbers. Nowhere on the middle road will you encounter uniqueness or oddity. The so-called and aptly named Spice of Life deftly detours the middle as if it were the plague. No one has ever found fame or fortune in the middle. Or friends. Falseness and fakery follow the feeble in the middle like a stranded, starving stray. Of course you won’t find failure either. Some take comfort in that and call the avoidance of failure success. I’d call it stagnation. Failure forces folks to the future. Modern industry resides comfortably in the middle. Hawking its wanton wares to the doe-eyed many, under the guise of greatness.
And we lap it up. Oddly, every industry began its journey on the fringe. Slowly orbiting the vortex, over time ebbing nearer and nearer, year after year. Such a slow slippery slope to slide, seldom do we see our shadow stretching slim in the shallow sun.
It wasn’t our shadow that was stretched, it was our soul. Take a nibble of the fringe sometime. Its simple complexity will surely surprise and awaken those taste buds that have forgotten the bitter sweetness of what life tastes like.
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