Huttcross #5: One Liners And A Bit Of Joy

Photos Andrew Turner AT Photo

While the Biggest Cyclocross Party in the Southern Hemisphere posse aka Fields of Joy CX gang aka Melbourne GP of Cyclocross corps (sheesh – more pseudonyms than Prince) were praying for rain in Victoria, the Huttcross working party were busy scoping out the least wet areas of Moonshine Park for their penultimate round of the season. The sun shone down across both sides of the Tasman allowing the beetroot latte sipping Melbourne hipsters to kick up some dust and the strong black guzzling Huttcross crew to lap up firmer terra firma while everyone enjoyed all things CX.

Huttcross diehards were gifted a sabbatical from megaphone heckling while said heckler was busy flying the fern in a race of four nations in Melbs. In her absence, the grubby-pawed workers at the coal face fed back these one liners from Round 5 to provide insights to how it went down.

“Another round of squishy goodness” – Jason, Low Tyre Pressure Fanboy

“I did not have to spend the rest of my day cleaning my CX bike this time” – Gary, Rode His Other Bike

“Going more than 12kph is a real thrill” – Kirk, Adrenaline Junkie

“Kids raced for the first time and loved it. After my race youngest said “Dad, I thought you we’re good”!” – Steve, MAMIL

“The Hutt rocks” – Kirsten, Inner Bogan

“B grade was epic with its off camber section and impossible to ride pinch climb at the back of the course” – Daniel, No Way Can It Be Done

“Although almost unbelievably I did watch the impossible pinch made possible” – Kirk, That’s how It’s Done

“My 3 year old wanted to know why he couldn’t ride the big bank like the grown ups” – Mark, Father of Balance Bike Rebel & Future World Champion

“Still wet enough for wheelspins on the flat” – Andrew, Overgeared Singlespeeder

“A stellar return for the off camber, twisty, back-slidey-out goodness that Huttcross delivers so well” – Peter, Runs File Treads On The Back

“Strength sapping soft ground, DOMS are killing my legs today” – Stu, Missed Too Many Leg Days

“My partner did his 1st race yesterday. His words were…. “never miss leg day”!” – Lori, Partner of Man Who Never Misses Leg Day

“Good day at HuttCX today although strangely quiet…someone definitely missed the slap talk megaphone and all” – Sarah, Heckle Zone Fangirl 

“It was when I lapped both Kennedys that I knew I was on for a good day” – Mike, Daydreaming Member of Huttcross Veldrijden Crew.

In Australia, Fields of Joy CX came out of the gates like a charging bull for their second year of UCI C2 stardom. Embracing a carnival of cyclocross racing with Australia, Japan, USA, Netherlands and New Zealand represented in the marquee events the Melbourne GP of CX massif cranked it up to eleven and lit it up blowing the doors off the international cyclocross calendar 2018/19 debut. The Victorians are charging hard to maximise the drop-bar-skinny-tyre stoke Down Under and you can expect them to be even bigger and louder next year, which can only be a good thing for crossfans in our wee corner of the world. All they need for the triennium is a smattering of the Huttcross Veldrijden Crew.

“Choice, bro!” – Kim, Kiwi Rep, FOJCX Fangirl, Promulgator of Cross Vibes

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