Journal 3: The Pale Mountains Road

Some people are born into a bike life, others find their way to it through other means. Having the advantage of life in mountainous surroundings is a privilege that isn’t taken for granted by the lucky ones, but revered and respected and utilised to maximum effect. A bond is formed, never broken.

The mountains are my life, I live here, my house is here and my love too. The roads that surround my house they unravel into the woods until they reach the high silver-colored peaks and limestone summits that form a stone ring around the village. I know all of those peaks, I have been up there hundreds of times, I know all the paths, I know all the small lakes created from ice, I know every stone and I know how hard and beautiful it is to get there. When I look at those peaks my mind blows up into thousands of different memories related to them.
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