“What’s that? Problem? Na mate, no problem with the site, it’s YOU, you’re the fuckin problem!” No, not you, my good and faithful reader, it’s me. I just couldn’t get off my lazy arse and jot down a few words a day, or week, or even month. But some of you either kept coming back, or were led here by some obscure search term (hopefully it’s Sexy Beast that has landed you here).
I’m “just going to have to turn this opportunity ‘yes’” as Don would say. “It’s not hard, a monkey could do it… that’s why I thought of…” me. I don’t owe it to anyone except myself and this may just be a short-lived flurry of enthusiasm, but there’s three months of ‘slapping paid for, so slap I must.
If you’re out there and in here, great, I appreciate your presence. If I’m talking to myself, well at least I’ll get the answers I desire.
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