Pump up the volume! The party comes to town this Saturday with the second Red Bull Pump Track World Champs qualifier event.
The stage is Miramar Track Project (map) and if you don’t know what to expect – take our word for it – this is not an event to be missed. But if you still need some convincing, check out the official video for the first qualifier event which went down last weekend in Bali.
Registrations are open now at Red Bull but keep in mind there are a few criteria: minimum 20” wheel size, flat pedals only, and you must be at least 16 years old on the day of the event.
For more information head over to the Facebook event page.
Pump Track Drop In Session – Friday 6th, 5pm
JoyRide are hosting a session for anyone keen on figuring this pump thing out in advance of the day. If you’re interested in attending this free session, register your interest here.
We’d like to extend huge thanks to Velo Solutions NZ, Burkes Cycles, Wellington City Council, JoyRide, and the team at Miramar Track Project.
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