Legends of cycling are often touted, yet rarely canonised. Promise, talent and prodigiousness count for little without longevity, consistency and results.
Sven Nys fits the bill to the letter. The Merckx Of The Mud has been winning for more years than most of his rivals have been alive, but as with all legends, they must run their natural course and know when the time is to pass on the baton. That time for Nys was the 2015/2016 winter, chasing the ultimate moments of glory to fill in the final chapter of the story.
Sven: The Final Year takes the viewer along for the ride, on the ergo, in the sandpit in the woods, on the most famous courses in cyclocross, and into the mind of a man who realises that when your time has come, the only way to go out is at, or near, the peak of your powers.
It’s $4.99 well spent.
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