Tag: Adam McLeod
FOJCX 2018: Joyful & Triumphant
Click or not: FOJCX 2018: Joyful & TriumphantYou’ll be forgiven if you haven’t heard of Sunbury CC. They’re a small club. With an even smaller CX crew. In the hipster city of Melbs. Back in 2014, that rambunctious rabble had a bold vision that Australia could become a player in the globalisation of cyclocross. Their strategy was to place Straya in the… …
Click or not: GrintaGrinta is one of those Italian words that seems to be designed specifically for cycling. It’s those displays of toughness displayed by hardened Pros that invariably provide the best imagery from the classics and tours each season, and imbue themselves in cycling folklore for years to come. It’s only fitting then that the first issue of Grinta… …