Tag: Australian Music
6FT Hick: Notes From The Underground
Click or not: 6FT Hick: Notes From The UndergroundFrom VietNambour to Lorient, 6ft Hick wage an internal war, with external casualties strewn across the rock n roll battlefield of France. Witness the carnage, the carnal, the carnival of commitment and causality HERE …
The Science Of Suave
Click or not: The Science Of SuaveHoly shit, it’s a good day when the legend of Australian music Mr Kim Salmon pops up in your feed. Especially with the first Scientists record in 35 years due to drop, the suave is back in the swamp. Even at his most haggard, he still has more style and swagger than all you motherfuckers… …
First Time Friday with The Mark of Cain
Click or not: First Time Friday with The Mark of Cain If this is likely the First Time you’ve heard The Mark Of Cain, then welcome. Welcome to the 90s, welcome to Australia, welcome to a time when music was intense and vital and powerful. When the heat of the night air was intensified in whatever small, dark, dingey pub you happened to find yourself… …
Cosmic Psychos: Blokes You Can Trust
Click or not: Cosmic Psychos: Blokes You Can TrustChances are, unless you were from Australia and into the punk/grunge scene in the 90s, you’ve probably never heard of the Cosmic Psychos. Or maybe you were really into Sub Pop, Mudhoney and Nirvana, then you might well have heard those luminaries waxing poetic about the yobbos that hugely influenced them back in the day.… …
Guilty Pleasures: Come Around
Click or not: Guilty Pleasures: Come AroundGuilty Pleasures are those songs you never wanted to admit you loved, were too embarrassed to play in public, but deep down they meant something to you. Finally there’s a place to air them, even if it causes breakups of friendships or worse. Fiona takes us back to 1980 in Australia with the venerable good… …