Tag: commuting
Music To The Ears
Click or not: Music To The EarsThis uniquely beautiful piece of Danish design comes from Sogreni Bicycles in Copenhagen. Sogreni was founded in 1981 and specialises in custom bicycles and accessories. The flat brass disc not only pleases the eye in the most ornate way, but plays a crisp, clear note when struck, and tinkles gently over rough roads and kerbs otherwise. More than… …
Bikes Vs Cars
Click or not: Bikes Vs CarsIt’s pretty easy to blame the minority for the ills of the majority, and that’s by and large what is happening all over the world in the everyday action of simply trying to get somewhere. It’s even getting to a crucial level here in New Zealand, where the attitudes of drivers are a pretty sobering read if… …
Punk Tracks For Your Commute
Click or not: Punk Tracks For Your CommuteLet’s face it, recreational cycling is about as Punk™ as fairy bread. It’s essential to lather yourself in ample irony and self-awareness when an apparently irrevocable component of most cycling disciplines is attire that wouldn’t be out of place in a 70’s science-fiction TV series but then, sports are inherently absurd. There is an exception… …
Getting Across
Click or not: Getting AcrossPunctuating grey, sinuous city streets, the intersection is a great equalizer for cyclists. While a rude inconvenience to those wielding automobiles, to the pedal powered a red light can be a small consolation for the multitude of fuming exhausts, close passes and errant doors. It should come as little surprise that navigating the city streets… …
Vast Distances On My Vas Deferens
Click or not: Vast Distances On My Vas DeferensTen years ago I had no drivers license and lived in a seething cauldron of a city with vast distances between things, clearly designed to suit the modern motor car. I worked at a small family-run bike shop as a mechanic and commuted daily on my full Dura Ace, 1996, 25th anniversary edition, steel Serotta… …