Tag: Cycling Books
Read: Just Ride
Click or not: Read: Just RideJust Ride. It sounds so simple, and so it should be. But for years I tried to make riding as complex as possible, for myself and many others. Not consciously, but yeah, consciously. Riding had to be done right, with the right bike for the ride and the right gear for the bike and… …
Read: Gironimo!
Click or not: Read: Gironimo!Books. Who remembers those? The sub-30s now are scratching their heads; huh, books?! They are something in old movies, aren’t they? Huh, movies?! It’s easy to just dismiss books as old technology, and hit play on a five-minute (if you have an exceptionally long attention-span) video. Why read when everything you need is in your pocket? Because that… …