Tag: E-Bikes
Just Stop With The Car Hate Already
Click or not: Just Stop With The Car Hate AlreadyCyclists, on the whole, are extremely self-righteous. Now, the term ‘cyclist’ can cover anyone from a commuter to a pro racer, and not everyone who falls within that spectrum is complicit. However, I see way too many of these self-appointed signallers of virtue and social justice spouting off regularly and often vehemently about their perceived… …
Sagan vs Grandma Joan
Click or not: Sagan vs Grandma JoanYou’ve got to hand it to Specialized, their marketing department is coming up with the goods and making the most of cycling’s biggest personality. We mean Sagan, not Joan, but she’s certainly got the sunglasses dialled. …
Don’t Rage Against These Machines
Click or not: Don’t Rage Against These Machines You just know it’s inevitable that e-bikes are going to be increasingly popular and visible on the trails. It’s happening already, I’ve seen a few high-end machines around here already, probably ridden by people who were anti until they actually rode one. Rage Against The Machine bassist Tim Commerford isn’t someone you’d want to… …
E’s And GC’s: Specialized 18 L(a)unch
Click or not: E’s And GC’s: Specialized 18 L(a)unchWhen you’ve been to as many bike shows/launches/free feeds as I have, it can be a little bit difficult to get motivated to go to yet another one. Dragging myself out of bed at 8am is hard enough, so a 5am alarm is met with a disdain that has me questioning the whole turgid miasma… …
Click or not: SkepticalWhen it comes to e-bikes, who isn’t a little sceptical? In fact, the mere mention of them seems to elicit a wide range of freak-out reactions from probably the same people who freaked out about full suspension, disc brakes and 8 speed cassettes. And like those things, there will be a time when the same… …