Tag: france
Small Wheels In Paris
Click or not: Small Wheels In ParisEnigmatic French style merchants Grande Rue Mag submit the sleek street stylings of Nicolas Badet for our delectation. Having neither the requisite high school French qualification nor inclination to venture farther than the humourously imprecise translations proffered by omniscient Big Brot… Google, Grande Rue’s 3.6.5 project shall remain appropriately mysterious to me. However, we might… …
Trip Apache
Click or not: Trip ApacheThe BMX scene, generally, has always felt more than a little discomforting to me. Purportedly counter-cultural, BMX was once a reaction to the inherently confining nature of racing bikes more or less in straight lines but now seems vague and muddied under a fog of self-conscious 808 beats, ironic video editing and an overwhelming volume… …