Tag: Freedom
A Taste Of Freedom
Click or not: A Taste Of FreedomI used to hate Ronny Romance and everything he stood for. What a miserable prick I was. He actually stands for everything that I’ve standed (stooded?) for, for ever, really. That’s kinda romantic. Or bromantic. Anyway this is a beautifully shot and narrated representation of why I/we/you ride, or if it isn’t, should be. …
Ty Tuesdays: Freedom Band Live @ The Yard, Raglan
Click or not: Ty Tuesdays: Freedom Band Live @ The Yard, RaglanFreedom. It’s good for me, but not for you. That’s been the attitude of the inhabitants of this country (and the world) for the last, oh, three or so years, coincidentally. “You can have your freedom, but only if you do as you’re told.” The right to have autonomy over ourselves is now controlled by… …