Tag: Freestyle

  • Three Day Metro Pass Milan

    Three Day Metro Pass Milan

    Milan is known for its street style, but this is not the type of artistic interpretation that city planners had in mind for the concrete catwalk strutted by Kriss Kyle, Jordan Godwin and Felix Prangenberg. One of the best put together clips we’ve seen for a long time with a brooding soundtrack underpinning the smoothest,…

    Click or not: Three Day Metro Pass Milan
  • All In All, Just Another Bike On A Wall

    All In All, Just Another Bike On A Wall

    Years in planning, minutes in execution, light years of progression. “If you wear hi-vis jackets, people don’t even really look at you…”

    Click or not: All In All, Just Another Bike On A Wall
  • Drew Bezanson Crosses Over

    Drew Bezanson Crosses Over

    When Drew Bezanson’s Uncontainable went viral last year and websites started to pick it up and it got more views than any mountain bike web edit, it saddened me. Not because it was BMX, no not at all! I love BMX and had watched it a week before the MTB websites had picked it up.…

    Click or not: Drew Bezanson Crosses Over