Tag: Friday Fugazi
Friday Fugazi: Instrument
Click or not: Friday Fugazi: InstrumentIf you are sitting around on a Friday night trying to find something to watch and end up with just more cat videos, then plug into this and get jolted out of your digitally induced stupor. Analogue and scratchy, loud, kinetic, energetic. Real instruments, of music and mind. …
Friday Fugazi: Mayhem At The Morrow
Click or not: Friday Fugazi: Mayhem At The MorrowThis is a specially personal FF for me. Watching this epic video shot by an old friend brings back the taste of warm VB, the dry mouth and glorious lack of oxygen from a smoke-filled room, salty sticky bodies sliding against each other, the crush of the throng losing their shit yet at the same… …
Friday Fugazi: KYEO
Click or not: Friday Fugazi: KYEOThe full Fugazi chaos effect in full flight in DC circa ’91, with a cast of hundreds crammed into every nook and cranny and some notable surveyors of the scene lurking behind the backline. …
Friday Fugazi: It’s All True
Click or not: Friday Fugazi: It’s All TrueThe awesomeness of Fugazi’s live shows wasn’t just the blistering music, sweat and visual energy emanating from the stage, but there was always guaranteed drama between the band and audience. sometimes it seemed like sections of the crowd were trying to deliberately rile up Ian and Guy, something that usually didn’t end well for the… …
Friday Fugazi: No Music Just Banter
Click or not: Friday Fugazi: No Music Just BanterEven though there are known for their blistering live shows, part of the experience of a Fugazi gig was always the on-stage banter. Varying from anecdotes to admonishment, you were foolish to stage dive or yell out stupid shit. I’ve seen many a big man be taken down verbally or physically by Ian and Guy,… …
Friday Fugazi: Glueman
Click or not: Friday Fugazi: GluemanThe intensity and energy emanating from this performance of Glueman from the Instrument film is, how the kids say, off the hook. Guy gets himself into all manner of contortions while flinging the mic in wild arcs, and Ian attempts axe murder as it screams in not so much protest, but collusion. …
Friday Fugazi : Nothing But Net
Click or not: Friday Fugazi : Nothing But NetGuy Picciotto can never be accused of not giving his all in a live performance. So naturally when there’s props, he’s gonna slam dunk himself. …