Tag: Mason

  • RoaDH


    It’s a guilty pleasure, descending fast on a road bike. With only 25mm of rubber and a gimp suit between you and a 80km/h meeting with the tar it’s no wonder that any mental acknowledgement of danger seems to dissipate when the road points down. Even though clip this is about the bike, it’ll still…

    Click or not: RoaDH
  • The Renaissance Of Steel

    The Renaissance Of Steel

    Ferrous materials have been making a comeback into the current psyche of cycling, refuting notions that a high-performance bicycle has to be made from fantastic plastic. Modern steel fabrication is pushing out of the custom bicycle builder niche and into the realm of  high-performance production. For too long, cyclists have been distracted by the thermoplastics of the 00s and…

    Click or not: The Renaissance Of Steel