Tag: New Zealand
Huttcross 20.3: Riverbed Pavé
Click or not: Huttcross 20.3: Riverbed PavéFor Round 3, Huttcross returned to a piece of parkland unearthed by its founding fathers back in the dawning era of ‘cross in EnZed. Moonshine’s hallowed turf is best known for its steep stop bank coupled with mud plugging conditions at the faintest sniff of rain. In 2019, a gravel inspired addition joined the family of… …
Huttcross 20.2: Superstylin’
Click or not: Huttcross 20.2: Superstylin’While Le Tour was going virtual with a sprint on the Champs-Elysees, Huttcross returned to its dirty roots in Upper Hutt. El Presidente had spent time on the tools unearthing real estate for new lines to be carved upon. A damp week cleared to sunny skies with a light wind taking some moistness out of… …
Huttcross 20.1: Boogie Wonderland
Click or not: Huttcross 20.1: Boogie WonderlandPost pandemic party mode pulled into Petone on Sunday. The Huttcross crew were pumped to lay down that boogie harbourside. Arguably the most picturesque offering on the Huttcross bill of fare, Hikoikoi Reserve serves up grass camber, driftwood barriers, and shale pits while sittin’ on the dock of the bay. Two hundred and forty-eight riders… …
Ridden: Vittoria Corsa Tubeless
Click or not: Ridden: Vittoria Corsa TubelessRoad tubeless is still a relatively new thing, yet one we’ve been crying out for for years. We’ve been tubeless off-road for decades, so why did it take so long to perfect the road tubeless technology? We don’t know, but we finally feel like the tech is finally trustworthy (what with those high pressures) and… …
Big Bike Film Night Is Back!
Click or not: Big Bike Film Night Is Back!The Big Bike Film Night returns for 2020 and is pedalling across New Zealand from February to May. Described as a feast of short films devoted to the bicycle and all who ride it, the Big Bike Film Night is a collection of international and New Zealand movies specifically selected by Taupo based ‘Film Pedlar’/… …
Sublime To Ridiculous
Click or not: Sublime To RidiculousBicycles offer the greatest escapism I have experienced anywhere. Ever. You can do your best thinking or absolutely no thinking at all while turning pedals. Throw wilderness into the mix and you have utter bliss. PSA: It’s not always sublime. Let’s not look at it through rose tinted Prisms. Sometimes it is completely ridiculous. Sometimes… …
Fond of Gravel? Fondo the Akas
Click or not: Fond of Gravel? Fondo the AkasSaddle up for an epic adventure riding around… up, over, through… the Akatawara Forest. The Akatawara Gravel Fondo is on, so mark down the 12th of January 2020! What the Hell is a Gravel Fondo? Gravel grinding is the best way to use your ‘cross bike over the summer! Gravel Fondos are totes #trendingrightnow. I’ve… …
Read: The Swart Brothers
Click or not: Read: The Swart BrothersWhen you meet Russell Jones, you know straight away that he’s a cycling tragic. His enthusiasm for and knowledge of the sport, its history and its protagonists is second to none, and sometimes you’ll be thinking he is going to burst as he talks excitedly and non-stop for the duration of the time it takes… …