Tag: old school

  • Style Icons: Phil Anderson

    Style Icons: Phil Anderson

    Not only was Phil Anderson a multiple Tour and Giro stage winner and Classics monster, he was without question an unassuming style icon. That majestic mane and the Oakley eyeshades will forever be a signature of classic 80s fashion. ‘Skippy’ wasn’t afraid to throw as many tones of fluoro as existed back in the age…

    Click or not: Style Icons: Phil Anderson
  • Insider Rides: Ryan’s Metro Rat 22

    Insider Rides: Ryan’s Metro Rat 22

    Anyone who rides anything seems to have a bling bike these days, and the amount of tech that is on the average mountain or road bike would baffle those of us who were around way back in the day when categories or niches weren’t yet invented. There were kids bikes, and adult bikes. Sometimes, the…

    Click or not: Insider Rides: Ryan’s Metro Rat 22
  • Insider Rides: Five Buck Beauty

    Insider Rides: Five Buck Beauty

    What can you get for a fiver these days? A whole shitty pizza, a slice of good pizza, a fancy foamy coffee, or a classic steel road bike. Sure, you have to be pretty lucky to get a road bike (or a coffee) for that, but when you have friends who collect and recycle roadside…

    Click or not: Insider Rides: Five Buck Beauty
  • A Lesson In History

    A Lesson In History

    If you’re of a ‘certain vintage’ like Kathy Sessler, you probably did the kind of things with a bicycle that were unlabelled, unmarketed and unfettered by hype. We rode bikes, whatever we had, wherever we could. BMX, trail riding, downhill, dirt jumps, call it what you will, it all was included in any given ride.…

    Click or not: A Lesson In History
  • Insider Rides: T White’s Board Track Bomber Build

    Insider Rides: T White’s Board Track Bomber Build

    We built this board track replica for a T White’s customer that had seen a similar project we’d worked on. He was digging the worn-in look and I just happened to have this old 60s Phillips frame floating around the shop I wanted to do something special with, and this project suited its style and…

    Click or not: Insider Rides: T White’s Board Track Bomber Build
  • A Side Order of Awesome Part 2: Ratus Ratus

    A Side Order of Awesome Part 2: Ratus Ratus

    Last time on the ‘Slap we looked at an all original 1983 Morrison Bikes Sidewinder (here). That particular bike had a very easy life and sits comfortably at my in progress museum along with other interesting rides I’ll share in future pieces. This week is all about a Sidewinder that hasn’t been quite so lucky…

    Click or not: A Side Order of Awesome Part 2: Ratus Ratus
  • Insider Rides’ Shop Sleds: OYB’s Pinky

    Insider Rides’ Shop Sleds: OYB’s Pinky

    Insider Rides gets right inside, to the bikes that find their place in the inner sanctum of the bike shop. From lunch runner to courtesy bike to used, abused and neglected, they carry on happily in utilitarian service. Josh Wrigley talks us through the mountain bike and shop life history of On Yer Bike in Wellington’s beloved…

    Click or not: Insider Rides’ Shop Sleds: OYB’s Pinky
  • Hoshi Yoshida, No EXIF And The Leica M6

    Hoshi Yoshida, No EXIF And The Leica M6

    The qualities of black and white 35mm film are like that of a fine steel frame; they are timeless, and while digital and carbon are now the preferred options for shooting and pedalling, there are still those who can not only appreciate the aesthetic, but also the results. And then there are those who eschew…

    Click or not: Hoshi Yoshida, No EXIF And The Leica M6