Tag: Original
Get Off My Lawn
Click or not: Get Off My LawnI’m far too salty for someone who is under 30. Pessimism and being judgmental has been my M.O. since forever, so much so that as a young adult, a friend remarked, “You’ve been 40 since you were 17!” I can’t help it, though at times it would be nice if I could be less like… …
Hüttcross 17.2: Get In The Ditch
Click or not: Hüttcross 17.2: Get In The DitchTyres grip and shudder as you lean in off the top of the bank. The wind whips over your shoulders as you gather speed – faster – faster again – maybe too fast. Drop your elbows in anticipation of the ditch. The front wheel hits first, then the back, quickly – ba-BANG. You feel the… …