Tag: Pro
Laconic LA
Click or not: Laconic LATaylor Phinney is so laid back it’s a wonder he doesn’t fall asleep as he takes a two-wheeled tour of Los Angeles’ gritty city streets and dirty (nicer) hills. …
Pro Hours
Click or not: Pro HoursWhen we think of Pros, it’s usually the big names that spring to mind. With million dollar team budgets and the best ‘help’ money can buy, it’s easy to focus on the World Tour stars who sell the stories and the products we think we must have, but there’s a whole other tier of riders… …
Mavic Le Sang Jaune
Click or not: Mavic Le Sang JauneThey’re as ubiquitous on the roads of Europe as the racers themselves, the yellow motorcycles and cars with the big MAVIC on the side, always appearing just in time to perform a lightning fast wheel change and a helpful push. I’ve always wanted to paint my car just like them and have a rack with… …
Skippy’s Cunning Stunt
Click or not: Skippy’s Cunning StuntPhil Anderson Week continues with a clip selected by the man himself. When pushed for a suggestion on what to post from our guest of honour’s storied career, the answer came “the cunningness of the 84 GP Zurich”. With a split-second decision as the wide Swiss road divides in two, Le Skip drills it down… …
Skippy On The Kirk Magnesium
Click or not: Skippy On The Kirk MagnesiumI once owned one of the notorious Merida magnesium road bike frames, which I attained despite the bad press and word of mouth that warned of a harsh ride and inevitable cracking. It actually rode quite nicely, and then cracked. It was pretty much the last time magnesium was seen in mass use for bicycle… …
Patent Leather Magic
Click or not: Patent Leather MagicJoe Parkin may not be a household name, even in cycling circles, but he’s done a hell of a lot as both a rider and an author. Heck, he was even Editor of the best mtb magazine in the world, Bike, and then its road spinoff Paved, for a couple of years. His books A… …
Millar On Rocacorba
Click or not: Millar On RocacorbaPros tend to gravitate to places where they have all they need to maximise their training opportunities, lead a fairly anonymous public life and be near other Pros. Girona in Catalunya, Spain, is a place you’d want to live even if you never threw a leg over a bike; its perfect climate, medieval cityscape and… …
Boss Of The Toss
Click or not: Boss Of The TossWhen Chris Horner threw his bike in disgust after a mechanical at this week’s Philadelphia Classic race, memories of bike tossers past resurfaced. While Lance Armstrong is undoubtedly the biggest tosser ever to infiltrate cycling, he refrained from launching his bike in anger, preferring to launch lawsuits instead. What of those others who earned their tosser… …