Tag: Radiohead

  • The Greatest Cover In The History Of Music

    The Greatest Cover In The History Of Music

     A single shot captures so much, and conjures even more. A bitterly cold evening outside an always bustling student hub. The rush to be somewhere, not here. Who is this fellow? A lone, perhaps lonely soul, misunderstood or not understood at all by his contemporaries, who pass either oblivious or with fleeting curiosity, perhaps…

    Click or not: The Greatest Cover In The History Of Music
  • Songs For The Apocalypse: 2 + 2 = 5

    Songs For The Apocalypse: 2 + 2 = 5

    Are you such a dreamer To put the world to rights? I’ll stay home forever Where two and two always makes a five I’ll lay down the tracks Sandbag and hide January has April’s showers And two and two always makes a five It’s the devil’s way now There is no way out You can…

    Click or not: Songs For The Apocalypse: 2 + 2 = 5
  • Jonny, Thom And A CR78

    Jonny, Thom And A CR78

    You can strip back The Numbers all you want, they’ll always add up to prime.

    Click or not: Jonny, Thom And A CR78
  • Radiohead Deliver A Long Awaited Promise

    Radiohead Deliver A Long Awaited Promise

    Recorded as part of the OK Computer sessions some 20 years ago, Radiohead make the wait we didn’t know we were having worthwhile. I Promise may have been laying dormant all that time, but it’s like a cryogenically frozen and thawed body of work that sounds as fresh as the day it was laid to…

    Click or not: Radiohead Deliver A Long Awaited Promise
  • Diving Into A Moon Shaped Pool

    Diving Into A Moon Shaped Pool

    And just like that, an album appears. The way Radiohead does things is the way to do things. No hooha, no fanfare, just get it out there and let the work do the rest. Of course, the internet is in overdrive and reviews aren’t hard to come by… we’ll just say this; if you’re a…

    Click or not: Diving Into A Moon Shaped Pool
  • How To (Almost) Disappear Completely

    How To (Almost) Disappear Completely

    No-one really needs millions of followers on Facebook, Twitter or even a website with actual content. Not if you’re Radiohead anyway. This week they removed all their web and social media content (but kept their followers, just in case) fuelling rumours and anticipation of their 11th studio album which is said to be dropping in June. They…

    Click or not: How To (Almost) Disappear Completely