Tag: Rant
Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro Wrestling
Click or not: Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro WrestlingQuiz the man in the street about Professional Wrestling and you’ll get a fairly generic answer. But first, just who the hell is the man in the street? And for the sake of holding-the-baying-social-justice-mob-at-bay, and/or woman in the street. The average Joe/Joeleen is timid, afraid, closeted by the highly likely chance they might offend someone… …
Instagram Is Bullshit
Click or not: Instagram Is BullshitInstagram is bullshit. But I need it. NO, I don’t need it, but somehow it’s got me by the balls, because of commitments I’ve made to others. My supporters, partners, sponsors, donors, call them what you will. Those who are kind enough to trust my experience and give me parts and clothes and accessories to… …
Controversial As
Click or not: Controversial AsNever one to skirt around the edges, it wouldn’t be an opinion piece without a dollop of controversy. A flick through the Chainslap archives over a flat white is the perfect reminder of two things. Number One: we are spoiled for photographers with mad skillz in Wellington, who have an incredible ability to capture a… …
Find What You Love And Let It Kill You
Click or not: Find What You Love And Let It Kill You“My dear, Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much… …
Get Off My Lawn
Click or not: Get Off My LawnI’m far too salty for someone who is under 30. Pessimism and being judgmental has been my M.O. since forever, so much so that as a young adult, a friend remarked, “You’ve been 40 since you were 17!” I can’t help it, though at times it would be nice if I could be less like… …
Click or not: ObsessionDirty words keep us laughing, they get us in trouble, and they bring us together. The inherent nature of language is to unite, and the taboo helps specifically unite subgroups. A word often subject to scrutiny and aligned with negative connotation is Obsession. People who are Obsessed are crazy, freaks, sick, in need of help,… …
Click or not: DensityWhere has the density gone? It’s all fluff now, drivel gone soggy, mundane milquetoast…there used to be cutting and thought-provoking journalism front-and-center. Now, it’s gone off down the dark alleys of person blogs, nom-du-plume’d or vague and incognito, as to agitate the hornets nest of advertisers, would be like penning one’s own murder slip. The… …