Tag: Read
Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro Wrestling
Click or not: Pro Cycling Is The Same As Pro WrestlingQuiz the man in the street about Professional Wrestling and you’ll get a fairly generic answer. But first, just who the hell is the man in the street? And for the sake of holding-the-baying-social-justice-mob-at-bay, and/or woman in the street. The average Joe/Joeleen is timid, afraid, closeted by the highly likely chance they might offend someone… …
Read: Just Ride
Click or not: Read: Just RideJust Ride. It sounds so simple, and so it should be. But for years I tried to make riding as complex as possible, for myself and many others. Not consciously, but yeah, consciously. Riding had to be done right, with the right bike for the ride and the right gear for the bike and… …
Read: Gironimo!
Click or not: Read: Gironimo!Books. Who remembers those? The sub-30s now are scratching their heads; huh, books?! They are something in old movies, aren’t they? Huh, movies?! It’s easy to just dismiss books as old technology, and hit play on a five-minute (if you have an exceptionally long attention-span) video. Why read when everything you need is in your pocket? Because that… …
Read: The Swart Brothers
Click or not: Read: The Swart BrothersWhen you meet Russell Jones, you know straight away that he’s a cycling tragic. His enthusiasm for and knowledge of the sport, its history and its protagonists is second to none, and sometimes you’ll be thinking he is going to burst as he talks excitedly and non-stop for the duration of the time it takes… …
Read: Icons
Click or not: Read: IconsYes, Wiggins is like marmite – you either like him or your hate him. But the one thing you can’t take away is that he gets it. The why. Co-written with historian Herbie Sykes, ‘Icons’ is a homage to the riders that for Wiggins have shaped cycle racing. You could liken it to a Desert… …
Find What You Love And Let It Kill You
Click or not: Find What You Love And Let It Kill You“My dear, Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much… …
Get Off My Lawn
Click or not: Get Off My LawnI’m far too salty for someone who is under 30. Pessimism and being judgmental has been my M.O. since forever, so much so that as a young adult, a friend remarked, “You’ve been 40 since you were 17!” I can’t help it, though at times it would be nice if I could be less like… …
Read: Draft Animals
Click or not: Read: Draft Animals“If you want to sell books, you’ve got to stir up some shit.” Salman Rushdie. Ok, I might have made that quote up, but there’s a possibility the master of fatwa sex once said something along those lines. Maybe Phil Gaimon goes by that mantra, though I highly doubt it, having just finished his latest… …