Tag: Ritchey
Insider Rides: Backy’s Ritchey Outback
Click or not: Insider Rides: Backy’s Ritchey OutbackLast week we shared some photos of a bright yellow Ritchey Outback on Instagram and our newsletter and I’ve had a lot of questions and comments on the bike so I thought I’d go into more detail about it. The bike belongs to Brent Backhouse, a graphic designer who does work for RocketEspresso and Eleven, and also… …
Old Skool X New School
Click or not: Old Skool X New SchoolThere’s no other frame material like steel, and none finer versed in the craft of turning tubes into functional art than Tom Ritchey. The moustachioed one is only too happy to impart his wisdom upon a bunch of devotees disguised as framebuilders at The Bicycle Academy. …