Tag: Saddle
How To Get Your Ass Into Gear: WTB Volt
Click or not: How To Get Your Ass Into Gear: WTB VoltIf there is something that is sure to ruin a relationship, it’s pain or discomfort every time you jump aboard your beloved. And so it was with me recently, when even an hour on the trails started to result in an unpleasant feeling in my nether regions. As I have gotten older, my riding position… …
Sit On It: WTB Saddle Fit System
Click or not: Sit On It: WTB Saddle Fit SystemBuying a saddle is one of the most difficult and stress-filled exercises, not just for the purchaser but the salesperson who has to offer advice on the most personal of all cycling equipment choices. Finding just the right shape, size and amount of padding comes down to more than just pushing your thumb into it… …