Tag: slopestyle
The Poetry Of Slopestyle
Click or not: The Poetry Of SlopestyleCombining elements of style, grace, power and aggression to produce a poetic visual pot pourri, slopestyle could be the most photogenic of the mountain biking disciplines. Dominic Hook captured the aerial gymnastics from the McGazza Slopestyle event at Crankworx Rotorua. …
Red Bull’s Behind The Bike: Matt Jones
Click or not: Red Bull’s Behind The Bike: Matt JonesWords: Matt Jones/Red Bull. Photos: Miles Holden Early on in my career I realized I wanted to work on my bike myself. I knew I wanted to have direct input into how my bike feels, and have the ability to play around with my own ideas to make my bike as suited to me as… …
Conor Macfarlane On Loosefest
Click or not: Conor Macfarlane On LoosefestFresh from his full-on week at Loosefest, Conor Macfarlane sat down for an exclusive interview with Secret Dog Society. SDS: Firstly well done at Loosefest! You looked like you had a blast, had lots of fun not to mention threw down! You must be happy with everything? CM: Cheers man, it was one hell of a week!… …
The Learning Curve 3: Hitting The Pit
Click or not: The Learning Curve 3: Hitting The PitOnce upon a time I was cool(er). I rode in tight black denim jeans and cotton t-shirts that I had drawn on with black marker pen. I drank bourbon and then do sick tricks on a Kona Bass I used to call a Jack Cannan ‘Ninja Edition.’ Goodness, I wish I could ride all day on my… …
TLC Episode 2: The Progression Continues
Click or not: TLC Episode 2: The Progression ContinuesThings are really starting to heat up in the great Drew Bezanson slopestyle experiment. Looking at his Facebook this week, there was a clip of him busting out some huge double back flips, and his new-trick bag seems to be expanding every week. Beautifully filmed as always, part two of The Learning Curve follows Drew as he travels… …
A Journey To Crankworx Rotorua
Click or not: A Journey To Crankworx RotoruaAt its most base value, Crankworx is a mountain bike festival… and to many people, that’s all it is. After making action videos and taking fast-paced photos for about four years, I stumbled upon the magical world of mountain biking and instantly fell in love. What an epic use of the human body and some simple technology! A solid regime… …
Going Big Will Never Die
Click or not: Going Big Will Never DieWhen your tyres spend as much time in the air as on the ground is it still mountain biking? Something tells me that Andreu Lacondeguy et al have never slowed down to consider this point. The creative use of a drone to achieve a faux one-shot at the beginning of Pure Darkness is a nice… …