Tag: spain
Log Of Senhor Basilio
Click or not: Log Of Senhor BasilioCan you speak Portuguese? Do you like bicycles? What about recollections from old-timey racers about old-timey races and their exploits thereof? Even if você não fala Português, it’s fun to try and piece together the life of Basílio Manuel Angélico and bask in the beauty of the tale and the sounds of the telling. Look… …
Click or not: Collect/Cultivate/CullGot a ton of cash laying about and a fetish for classic steel road bikes? This stunning collection is up for grabs right now on E-Bay. You’re gonna need a bigger shed and a fucking good explanation… German Bik Nender is the current owner of the fine fleet, and has curated an appropriately reverent installation that… …
XPDTN3 La Rioja
Click or not: XPDTN3 La RiojaMarc Gasch from the team at XPDTN3 stokes our desire to travel by taking the ultimate gear test trip to the dry, dusty landscapes of Bardena Reales in the north-east corner of Spain. Say what you like about bikepacking, gravel bikes, or strange ways of strapping gear and kit to your aero gravel bike – the landscapes that… …
Three Day Metro Pass
Click or not: Three Day Metro PassBikes and public transport go together like coffee and Clif bars, at least they ought to. It’s a simple recipe promulgated in Three Day Metro Pass; take three small-wheeled street sifters and a handful of Red Bull backed shooters, toss together in a city renowned for its bmx suitability, limit their transportation to public transport… …
Trip Apache
Click or not: Trip ApacheThe BMX scene, generally, has always felt more than a little discomforting to me. Purportedly counter-cultural, BMX was once a reaction to the inherently confining nature of racing bikes more or less in straight lines but now seems vague and muddied under a fog of self-conscious 808 beats, ironic video editing and an overwhelming volume… …
Millar On Rocacorba
Click or not: Millar On RocacorbaPros tend to gravitate to places where they have all they need to maximise their training opportunities, lead a fairly anonymous public life and be near other Pros. Girona in Catalunya, Spain, is a place you’d want to live even if you never threw a leg over a bike; its perfect climate, medieval cityscape and… …
Ribo, Zapatero
Click or not: Ribo, ZapateroThe prevalence of the mass produced and the bespoke may be imbalanced but there are still those who value time and consideration being applied to consumer goods, even if the robots do make a quality product these days. This atmospheric vignette of artisanal cycling shoe makers Ribo should appeal to all the beardy, cold brew… …