Tag: Steel
In Pursuit Of Going Slow
Click or not: In Pursuit Of Going SlowI pieced together a bicycle recently with nostalgia and parts-bin pragmatism. The top-of-the-line frame from 25 years ago has patina-ed well, bearing marks of use and care and enjoyment. Everything else has been scrounged, traded for beer, borrowed, or was just hanging around as these things do. I think about buying a front rack and… …
Insider Rides: Buck’s Hinault Custom
Click or not: Insider Rides: Buck’s Hinault CustomIt’s always strange meeting people that you’ve previously only known by the wonders of the internet. I’d talked to American ex-pat Buck Rogers on a popular forum many times over the years, and his enthusiasm for all things steel, Euro, and unique leapt off the page in a cacophony of “fuck yeah!”s and “right on”s. When… …
Fuck Cars
Click or not: Fuck CarsNot my words, but my thoughts sometimes. We’ve all thought it, whenever an imminent date with the devil is narrowly avoided and the adrenaline kick that comes from mixing it up with two-tonne twat chariots finally snaps your resolve. Maybe ‘fuck drivers’ is more apt; it’s not like cars can drive themselves… Amsterdam bicycle makers… …
The Flandrian Diaries: Retro Hell
Click or not: The Flandrian Diaries: Retro HellWhat is it about cyclists that drive them to take something that is already difficult, and make it even more so? Adding kilometres, subtracting gears, finding the worst roads and heading out in conditions more suited to a cup of tea in front of a movie. It’s a hard-wiring thing, I’m sure. Paris-Roubaix of course… …
Insider Rides: Five Buck Beauty
Click or not: Insider Rides: Five Buck BeautyWhat can you get for a fiver these days? A whole shitty pizza, a slice of good pizza, a fancy foamy coffee, or a classic steel road bike. Sure, you have to be pretty lucky to get a road bike (or a coffee) for that, but when you have friends who collect and recycle roadside… …
Real Deal Steel Reel
Click or not: Real Deal Steel ReelWe’ll never tire of watching the building of a beautiful steel frame. From a bunch of tubes to painted perfection, Russia’s Enko Cycles nails the process with dark imagery and a melancholic soundtrack. …
Pls Do Not Count This
Click or not: Pls Do Not Count ThisThese “bro riding a fixie through crowded city streets” videos can often be a bit hit-or-miss. This one has the distinguishing feature of being shot in the insanely bustling cultural melting pot of Johannesburg where the bikes are steel, the skids are long and the bus-surfing is plentiful. …
Insider Rides: T White’s Board Track Bomber Build
Click or not: Insider Rides: T White’s Board Track Bomber BuildWe built this board track replica for a T White’s customer that had seen a similar project we’d worked on. He was digging the worn-in look and I just happened to have this old 60s Phillips frame floating around the shop I wanted to do something special with, and this project suited its style and… …