Tag: Steel
The Jaegher Tour Tableau
Click or not: The Jaegher Tour TableauWith the world’s greatest sporting event starting this weekend it’s a good time to share the brilliant video series that Jaegher bicycles in Belgium produced three years ago. Having met, ridden, eaten and drank with these artisans in their homeland, I can say that they are some of the most passionate purveyors of the framebuilding… …
Deus Does Derny
Click or not: Deus Does DernyTwo things that always go together well and speak to us are vintage steel road bikes and resto/retro scooters. Deus ex Machina Italy once again prove that their restorations are the pinnacle of form and function with this double Peugeot derny treat. …
Deus Does l’Eroica
Click or not: Deus Does l’EroicaThe just completed Giro d’Italia is the most beautiful and often most suspenseful grand tour in the world. No small part of this is the fact that it’s in Italy, and while the French countryside is no slouch when it comes to looks, there’s an indefinable quality about the rolling hills and white roads that stimulates… …
TPC Museum Series: Juli Furtado’s Yeti FRO
Click or not: TPC Museum Series: Juli Furtado’s Yeti FROWe love The Pros Closet‘s Museum Series here at ChainSlap. They have produced a series of videos looking at some of the coolest and most important bikes of the last 20 to 30 years, both mountain and road, which were ridden by significant Pros to some pretty big victories in the annals of racing. One… …