Tag: winter

  • Cold


    Another great piece of film from SpaceCadet with a barspin around Burgas on the coast of the Black Sea. Cold indeed. And stark, warm, dark, colourful, monochrome.

    Click or not: Cold
  • Frostbit And Fucked Up

    Frostbit And Fucked Up

    It’s what it says it is. The shaky camera and fuzzy focus gives a cinéma vérité feel when blended with cold breath clouds, icy dirt and crusty beards. Kinda makes us look forward to winter riding…

    Click or not: Frostbit And Fucked Up
  • The Winter Closeout

    The Winter Closeout

    It’s an angry runaway stream roller, barreling down the trail intent on flattening all that dare remain in its direction of travel. Being astride such a beast is inspiring, the sound of the fat tread finding purchase where there ought to be no hold in enthralling. As Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced…

    Click or not: The Winter Closeout