Tag: Zach Faulkner

  • Get Off My Lawn

    Get Off My Lawn

    I’m far too salty for someone who is under 30. Pessimism and being judgmental has been my M.O. since forever, so much so that as a young adult, a friend remarked, “You’ve been 40 since you were 17!” I can’t help it, though at times it would be nice if I could be less like…

    Click or not: Get Off My Lawn
  • Obsession


    Dirty words keep us laughing, they get us in trouble, and they bring us together. The inherent nature of language is to unite, and the taboo helps specifically unite subgroups. A word often subject to scrutiny and aligned with negative connotation is Obsession. People who are Obsessed are crazy, freaks, sick, in need of help,…

    Click or not: Obsession
  • Density


    Where has the density gone?  It’s all fluff now, drivel gone soggy, mundane milquetoast…there used to be cutting and thought-provoking journalism front-and-center. Now, it’s gone off down the dark alleys of person blogs, nom-du-plume’d or vague and incognito, as to agitate the hornets nest of advertisers, would be like penning one’s own murder slip. The…

    Click or not: Density
  • The Winter Closeout

    The Winter Closeout

    It’s an angry runaway stream roller, barreling down the trail intent on flattening all that dare remain in its direction of travel. Being astride such a beast is inspiring, the sound of the fat tread finding purchase where there ought to be no hold in enthralling. As Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced…

    Click or not: The Winter Closeout
  • The Long Format Brodown

    The Long Format Brodown

    There has to be a saturation point. The threshold for how many different-but-same storylines, reviews, and general commentary has been quite high since content started to be pumped out at an almost intolerable pace. I feel that a lot of what ends up on the front page of a website these days is a watered…

    Click or not: The Long Format Brodown