Shot: Shit In Front, Party Out Back

Bryn Atkinson, Skyline Rotorua. Photo Simeon Patience

One of the many unwritten rules of mountain bike photography, and one of my favourites, is ‘shit in front’… shooting through or past an object in the foreground to create a juxtaposition with the main subject matter. Of course it’s not always achievable, but sometimes there is a good amount of shit to have in front, as there was on this occasion while shooting for the Deep Summer Photo Challenge at Crankworx Rotorua.

When you have the talents of a rider like Bryn Atkinson on hand to supply the style, the SIF really becomes a bit player in the shot… this red barrier fencing provides a great contrast to the greenery and Bryn’s blue kit, while also nicely tying it all together with his helmet. Top it all off with a perfect turn-down off the wall-ride berm, and it’s one of my favourite shots from the whole weekend.

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