Tag: cinelli
Claudio Marinangeli: The Gate Keeper
Click or not: Claudio Marinangeli: The Gate KeeperIn true fashion, it takes nine people to put the clock up, seven of those help verbally. Now we can see the time we can see that it is late and that everyone should get started. Don’t tell the riders that have already filtered off though, getting their first stamp of the day and spinning… …
The Urban Velodrome
Click or not: The Urban VelodromeStreet track will never make sense. It’s futile to attest that they have any suitability to an urban environment. But who really comes close to caring about that? When riding a bicycle looks as fun as the MASH crew make it out to be, there’s nothing more important. Tendons, stopping distance and descending speed are… …
MASH And Eddy Bach
Click or not: MASH And Eddy BachRiding track bikes on city streets–proper track bikes not Healing Shoguns re-purposed to catch the end of a fashion trend, popularised half a decade earlier in the northern reaches of the world–is rare down here. Perhaps rightly so; there’s nothing sensible about it. Then again, sensible is boring and the unholy, cartilage crushing cadence necessitated… …