Tag: Giro d’Italia
Froome To Win Record For Devaluing Three Grand Tours In A Row
Click or not: Froome To Win Record For Devaluing Three Grand Tours In A RowRupert Murdoch announced today that he will be adding the Giro d’Italia to his total monopoly on televised bicycle racing by forcing robot minion Chris Froome to win in Italy next May. The mummified Australian dictator––who some believe has been deceased since 2012 and is kept lifelike by liberal daily coatings of cricket bat oil––tweeted… …
Mario Mondays: Magnifico Rosa
Click or not: Mario Mondays: Magnifico RosaThis is how the Maglia Rosa should be worn. Black shorts and only a pair of Brikos on your head. Pure class. And Spinergys adorned with self-indulgent nicknames, of course. …
Catalyst: Il Colle Delle Finestra And The Giro
Click or not: Catalyst: Il Colle Delle Finestra And The GiroGravel riding may well be the genre du jour of cycling right now, but it’s been around since the advent of the bicycle itself. Long before asphalt and 42mm file-tread tyres were invented, there was little option to do anything else than hit the dirt. Stick a label on it and you’ve got another bike… …
Friday Film Fest
Click or not: Friday Film FestIf you’re stuck inside tonight due to a lack of solvency, a dearth of motivation to leave the house, or just want to watch some classic cycling movies, we’ve got you covered. Or if the weekend needs some filling in, watch the lot! First up is the documentary following the 1973 Giro d’Italia, Stars and… …
Deus Does l’Eroica
Click or not: Deus Does l’EroicaThe just completed Giro d’Italia is the most beautiful and often most suspenseful grand tour in the world. No small part of this is the fact that it’s in Italy, and while the French countryside is no slouch when it comes to looks, there’s an indefinable quality about the rolling hills and white roads that stimulates… …
Viva Il Ciclissimo
Click or not: Viva Il CiclissimoWith this years Giro d’Italia entering its final week, these illustrations from Katsuhiro Otomo and Katsuya Terada give a neat snapshot of what’s probably the most interesting Grand Tour event. While they’re likely to be much less prolific in the cycling community, Otomo and Terada are two of Japan’s most renowned illustrators, Otomo bringing us… …